We are S.V. ADA!

<The study association of Saxion ACT Deventer>

Your Study Association!

Study Association ADA is for students who study at the Academy Creative Technology (ACT) at Saxion in Deventer.

This includes the following studies:

HBO-ICT (English taught)

HBO-ICT (Dutch taught)

Software Engineering
Business IT

Software Development
(Associate Degree)

Check out our last school year!

Formerly known as Pro-ACT

Rebranded as ADA



Our board

Sam Niehaus


Lyon Berends


Krisztián Kozari


Denny Kaatman

External Assessor

Sasha Sukhinich

Internal Assessor


We could always use more board members 🙂

Our Goal

We want to give the students a fun time while studying by organizing parties, excursions, workshops, and lectures. The study association has a general goal of:

  • Organizing both professional and party activities that add to the regular classes of the students of ACT Deventer.
  • The improvement of contact between students and the study and students between each other.
  • To bring students in contact with potential employers in the IT-sector.

Our Mission

The study association wants to inspire the students of Academy Creative Technology Deventer and show the students what the workfield of the academy is by taking the students to companies and organizations.

Furthermore, the study association wants to be a relaxing addition to its students during their time of study. Students will be stimulated to see each other as future professionals and get to know each other in that light so they can build a new network.